Hey everyone, I just wanted to share some news/updates here…
How to write a decent blog post in 10 easy steps
Step 1- Come up with an interesting name that could catch the attention of people. Names such as "Photographing the Mundane" is boring, back to the drawing board. Step 2- Briefly research your topic.
Step 3- Start writing.
Step 4- Perhaps, include a nice stock photo for impact. Readers respond well when images are included in blog posts.
Step 5- Think about formatting your blog post as a list. Lists have a proven track record of getting more views! Just look at buzzfeed!
Step 6- Maybe write some more. People love reading stuff.
Step 7- Make sure you proofread for any erors. This is impotent!
Step 8- Double check your accuracy.
Step 9- Upload the blog post and watch the amount of visitors to your site increase exponentially.
Trini Christmas & what we can be doing to boost tourism
If, as the popular song goes, Trini Christmas is the best, then why haven't we as a country embraced this as a possible draw for tourism in the same way as Carnival?
Carnival Vendor Booths and the Trinbagonian Aesthetic
Every year around this time the construction of vendor booths begin around the Queen's Park Savannah. Their arrival around the Savannah is always something that has intrigued me as they spark an excitement in people as it signals the arrival of Carnival. But their design is also something that captivates me.
The work of Peter Minshall
This essay will deal with the role and importance of characters and storylines in Trinidad and Tobago Carnival and more specifically, in the work of Peter Minshall. In order to define the work of Peter Minshall, we must first define Carnival.
Self portrait
Joseph Kosuth and the Idea of Art
“The 'value' of particular artists after Duchamp can be weighed according to how much they questioned the nature of art.”― Joseph Kosuth, Art After Philosophy and After: Collected Writings, 1966-1990
Joseph Kosuth is an American Conceptual artist whose work...
Art, Design & Music
Who doesn't love good music, and good art? I was inspired to write this post after seeing the album art for Logic's album "Under Pressure." It was illustrated and designed by fellow SCAD grad, and the always amazing, Sam Spratt…
Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival Branding Review
With the 2014 edition of the trinidad+tobago film festival around the corner, I decided to do a write up on what I think is a very successful brand…
Photographing the Mundane
Artists see the world through different eyes to most people; they see the beauty in things that may be considered boring or mundane, and there are no photographers who capture this beauty as well as William Eggleston. Eggleston is a pioneering photographer and is credited with…
Neal & Massy Rebranding
One of the most talked about rebrandings in Trinidad has just occurred. Neal and Massy has rebranded themselves as Massy, and with it, all of their subsidiary companies. The logo is described as such on the new Massy website– "The Massy logo is simple, bold and modern and represents the mutuality of our Group of companies, with a stylized infinity symbol that retains the N and M of our previous corporate identity. The visibility of both letters in the logo design…
Hump Day!
My First Logo
I was recently going through some of my old work and I found what is possibly the first logo I have ever created. To give some background to the logo I will give the story about what it was for. At the age of around 17, a friend (Anthony Alkins) and I decided we…
"Fins by O'Brien" Logo Process
Someone recently approached me to come up with a logo for them. They had started making custom surfboard fins out of plywood and the product piqued my interest. I immediately started formulating ideas…
The Importance of Brand Guidelines
One of the fundamental things to keep in mind when designing a brand, is consistency. You want people when they see your logo to relate it immediately to your brand/product/service. This is achieved through proper logo usage. Too often in Trinidad & Tobago…
Port of Spain Typographic Map
These are now for sale, contact me for details.
Mark Bradford
I was recently going through some chicken scratch notes that I made in a class I took at SCAD called Alternative Design Approaches. I had a bunch of names scrawled down and circled, which I would…
Fete Signs of Trinidad
As a graphic designer who studied abroad, I always think about what kind of design or aesthetic is intrinsically Trinbagonian; what colours do we use, what sorts of typography is used, what sort of trends are seen in our design? Now that I am back living and working at home…