Website Redesigned!
Welcome to my brand spanking new personal website. I have made the decision to keep this site as just that: personal. Just over a year ago I formed a design agency that has its own website and I have decided that that is going to be the online home for my client work and commercial projects.
This updated version of is going to be something more like a journal (both visual and written.) I will write articles that may, or may not, have to do about design; I will post sketches, personal projects, and really anything that I want to share without the constraints that a “design portfolio” brings with it. My goal is to create things that are a little outside of my usual realm and to give it a home on this page.
If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I regularly put out a bunch of content that does not necessarily fall under client work, or under the exact definition of graphic design. I like to do hand drawn typography, traditional painting and digital illustration to name a few things. This is going to be the place for all of my random interests and any miscellaneous things that I will not post in my more curated portfolio. So, if you are a potential client, make sure to click the Client Work tab up at the top to see my official portfolio!
Another purpose of this website is to do more writing. One of my interests in life has always been writing and I’ve somewhat abandoned it in the last few years. When you write an article there is an inevitable learning that happens, so I am setting a goal to write more and therefore learn more. Hopefully the more I learn, the better my articles get and the more valuable they are to anyone that comes across this website.
I hope you enjoy looking around the new website and feel free to leave a comment below with any topic you’d like for me to cover. One idea so far is to do an interview series with some of my designer-friends (and non-designer friends as well.)
Thanks for visiting, and reading to the end,